Baby powder and Cream Ointment, Organic vs. Non-Organic

Health & Beauty / Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Burt's Bees Organic Baby Powder








Being a new parent can be very difficult. There are so many products out there that line the shelves of stores and trying to figure out what works best can be a daunting task. New parents can be overwhelmed with decisions and the added pressure of wanting what is best for baby makes it an even harder to know what is the right choice. It is important to take the time to research the products before using them on your child.

One hot topic is the proper products to use diaper rash. Diaper rash is a very common issue for both newborns and baby. Some babies’ get such bad diaper rashes that they have to get medicated ointment from the pediatrician. Diaper rash can be painful for a baby. It is a bright red rash and is often associated with staying in a dirty diaper for too long, skin sensitivity, or chafing. Sometimes a change in diet can cause a diaper rash. When a baby starts to eat solid food, the change in diet can cause diaper rash. Sometimes, a baby just has very sensitive skin and the use of disposable diapers can create a diaper rash. For whatever reason it starts, a diaper rash can be fixed fairly easily.

Diaper rash is not too difficult to treat but what are the right products to use? It really comes down to using the right combination of products to help alleviate the rash. There are a lot of diaper rash products out there and the biggest difference between all most all of the products out there is the organic label. There is an ongoing argument over whether organic is actually better. Some parents swear that non-organic ingredients are more effective and just as safe and organic.

New parents have a lot to worry about and one of the biggest debates surrounding having a newborn is whether organic baby products actually are better overall. There are thousands of listings online that state that organic products are clearly the better choice. But is this true? Organic products typically carry a hefty price tag and a having a new baby is already expensive enough, and trying to figure out what products are worth the money can be a difficult task. But safety is an obvious concern and it pays to do the research in advance.

So when it comes to treating diaper rash, are the organic products worth the money? Are they just as effective at treating rash? Or are the tried and true products like Desitin and Johnson’s Baby Powder just as effective as Burt’s Bees Baby Dusting Powder? Ultimately does it matter what products you use when treating diaper rash? Here is a break down of organic diaper products versus non- organic products.

Organic Diaper Rash Powder:

Baby powder is not necessarily used to treat diaper rash but it can be used a preventive measure. Diaper rashes can arise from excess moisture and the baby powder helps to dry out some of the moisture. Some all-natural websites list their own homemade recipes for making your own baby powder but some of the most popular brands are reviewed on these sites and include products by Burt’s Bees, California Baby and the Honest Company. The main thing that all these products, whether bought in the store or made at home, is that there is no talc in the baby powder. Most of the all-natural baby powders contain cornstarch to help prevent friction between the diaper and the baby’s skin.

Even thought cornstarch is supposed to be a natural alternative, there was a case in 1996 where a baby was treated for repository distress from inhaling cornstarch during diaper changes. Another common issue with cornstarch is that it can exacerbate a yeast infection.

Although not as common as an outright diaper rash, a yeast infection can happen in babies. Breastfed babies and babies taking antibiotics are more susceptible to a yeast infection but regardless a diaper rash that just doesn’t seem to be getting better could potentially be a yeast infection. When a yeast infection is present and the parent uses cornstarch, the cornstarch will make it worse. Cornstarch gives the yeast infection something to feed on so it actually helps the yeast infection to grown.

The organic rash powder at first glance seems to be a safer alternative but when broken down the by the main ingredient, the cornstarch is problematic. When looking for an organic solution, the best bet might be to find a product that has an alternative to cornstarch like arrowroot or powdered clay.

Organic Diaper Cream:

Diaper cream can be used as a barrier on the skin to help keep the moisture from absorbing into the sensitive skin of the baby. As mentioned above, excess moisture is one of the leading causes of diaper rash. The diaper cream can create a nourishing barrier to not only block excess moisture but also to help heal any diaper rash that might be present. Organic diaper cream typically does not have one main ingredient and that ingredient is zinc.

Zinc oxide is mixed with other ingredients to create an ointment that is moisture proof. The zinc helps the moisture to repel off the baby’s skin. Doctors consider zinc to be safe but homeopaths claim that the zinc oxide in popular brands like Desitin can cause hormone disruption in babies. There have not been actual studies to prove this but for those parents looking for an all-natural alternative should choose a product that has all natural ingredients like tallow, emu oil or beeswax. Tallow and emu oil are anti-inflammatories and beeswax helps to create a natural barrier.

The downside to some of these all-natural ingredients is that they are not as effective as some of the regular diaper rash creams. Also, some of the all-natural diaper rash creams are comprised of essential oils. Most doctors and homeopaths agree that essential oils are not for the skin of a newborn. Many homeopaths will prescribe essential oils to adults for various ailments but there almost all agree that it is not for the skin of newborns.

Non-organic Baby Powder

Regular baby powder has been a mainstay staple in households all over the world for over a century. Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder was the first powder introduced into the nursery in 1894 when it was first introduced into the market. Since then, Johnson’s Baby Powder has been touted as one of the best solutions to helping prevent diaper rash. Once other childcare companies saw the effectiveness of the baby powder, they released their own version and soon baby powder becomes a household staple.

Baby powder is an astringent and the talcum powder that comes standard in brands like Johnson & Johnson, Baby Magic, and a few others is a very helpful ingredient that causes body tissue to constrict to create a dry surface. Talcum powder is actually the very finely milled version of talc. Talc is an extremely soft mineral composed of magnesium silicate. It is a very absorbent and it helps to greatly reduce friction. There is no other mineral on the planet that works as well as talcum powder and that is why it is such a popular product.

There have been lawsuits that are claiming that talcum powder is linked to certain types of cancers. Before the 1970’s talcum powder contained a small amount of asbestos but since the 70’s talcum powder is refined to remove the asbestos. The American Cancer Society even states that there is no conclusive evidence to prove that talcum powder causes cancer. With that being said, make sure when buying baby powder to treat diaper rash that the talcum powder is asbestos-free.

Non-Organic Diaper Rash Cream:

When it comes to non-organic diaper creams, Desitin is the go-to diaper rash cream. Desitin is another product with a long history and is another Johnson & Johnson product. The product also hit its peak popularity when disposable diapers started to become more popular. Since disposable diapers do not provide as much breathing room as cloth diapers, diaper rash becomes more of a commonplace issue.

Most diaper rashes are caused by excess moisture in the diaper. When the diaper rash is present the best way to cure it is by slathering on some diaper cream. Non-organic brands use zinc oxide and typically stay away from essential oils. Also, the non-organic products contain ingredients that have higher-grade medical properties than then their organic counterparts. Products like Desitin last longer than most other products because of the zinc oxide.

Organic products most times do not have the same regulations as products that line the shelves of popular drug stores. A lot of times a label that says, “natural” or “organic” does not always mean that the product is safe. According to the FDA’s website,” No. An ingredient’s source does not determine its safety. For example, many plants, whether or not they are organically grown, contain substances that may be toxic or allergenic.” Just because it carries an organic label, doesn’t make it safe.

When choosing between non-organic and organic creams and powders for diaper rash, there are pros and cons to both. Organic products are hyped as being safer alternatives but that is not always the case. Sometimes the term organic does not always mean safe. It just means that contains ingredients that occur in nature and that doesn’t always make it safe. Another thing to take into consideration is the fact that the organic products don’t last as long or sometimes are not as effective. There are arguments that say that non-organic products contain products that in some capacity cause further medical issues.

The science is still out on whether some of these products that already have FDA clearance are dangerous and current studies conducted have already proven that certain non-organic products are just as safe. Another factor is the price. Organic products always carry a hefty price tag and sometimes there is no reason for it. There are times when an organic price tag is warranted based on scarce quantities of some of the ingredients but most organic products aren’t worth the costly price tag. The real difference is what actually works better for the baby. Just like adults, all babies have different skin types and some products will work better than others.








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