If you have a complaint related to an article, content, or images published on our website, please note our DMCA notice below. We are here to help you with your complaint and take down request if validated and justified. Many of our article are opinionated and for entertainment purposes only so please note that just because you don’t like or appreciate an article doesn’t mean it qualifies for a take down request.
In the event of a infringement, please notified us using our main email address and we’ll take action or follow-up immediately with you regarding the issue. Please include all you information so we can address you infringement as soon as possible and take action. This includes, your full name, address, phone number, and email address. If you represent a company or person please include that as well. We may request additional information as it relates to the copyright owner and validation.
Please understand many of the articles published on our website come from third parties and is uploaded without review. We have a lot of visitors and authors using our website so try our best to review all publications before uploading, however, mistakes can happen. Through this process and your submission, we’ll review your infringement complaint with priority.
Please contact us directly at: info@thisthingvsthat.com